Godaddy Domain Name Registration Agreement
A an arizona corporation or in the event of a ca domain name by and between go daddy domains canada inc a canadian corporation.
Godaddy domain name registration agreement. Visit godaddy domain name registration agreement for details on domains name registration services. Jika anda mengajukan permohonan atas pra pendaftaran nama domain godaddy tidak menjamin bahwa nama tersebut akan diamankan untuk anda atau bahwa anda akan memiliki akses langsung ke nama domain jika diamankan. ανατρέξτε στη σύμβαση κατοχύρωσης ονόματος domain από την godaddy για λεπτομέρειες όσον αφορά τις υπηρεσίες κατοχύρωσης ονομάτων domain.
I to comply with specifications adopted by any. The current registrant and the new registrant acknowledge and agree godaddy s sole role in connection with this agreement is as processor of change of registrant information and or the transfer of the registration request for the domain name and godaddy s only responsibility under this agreement will be to process the electronic change of. Name 등록과 관련된 조항.
Si godaddy determina determinación que debe realizar godaddy a su exclusiva discreción que usted ha participado de la degustación de dominios godaddy se reserva el derecho de a cobrarle una pequeña tarifa que se deducirá de los reembolsos emitidos o b rechazar su solicitud de cancelación reembolso por completo. Auda는 au 도메인 이름 관리자인 au domain administration limited acn 079 009 340을 의미합니다.