Php Whois Check Domain Available
The whois information is used by domain name hosting providers or by a user who is looking for a free or registered domain name.
Php whois check domain available. Today we are sharing php domain availability checker script. One is self hosted php script and second is domain provider website. Abide by these terms.
How to check domain is available. As we know to create a new website we need to first get the domain name. It is not necessary that you give this name you can give it anything you want.
Use whois lookup anytime you want to perform a search to see who owns a domain name how many pages from a site are listed with google or even search whois. It takes a domain name and determines which is the associated top level domain. The whois database is a contact database only.
The whois system must be used. Dns will not be available but the domain is still unavailable for registration. The php whois class works with tld s.
The class sends a query to the whois server of the top level domain and determines whether the domain is registered or not. All show that no dns is returned for a domain that cannot be registered. I just tested the suggestions of checkdnsrr gethostbyname and dns get record.
If you mean available for registration it is not possible to determine based on dns information alone. The whois database is a publicly accessible database that allows you to find out who owns or manages a domain including contact information such as name phone number and address. Take away the domain validation.